Sumy State University
Sumy State University - institution of a classical type - now is one of the leading higher educational establishments in the northeast part of Ukraine. More than 22 thousand of students are trained at the university, including foreign students from 47 countries of the world. SSU has a powerful scientific potential, modern material base and scientific schools well known in the world. About 60% of research work is carried out for foreign partners and in frames of international grants. SSU has profitable experience in participation of a great number of the projects . Particularly, there were TEMPUS/Tacis SM_SCM-T017B06-2006 “Practicum to Improve Ukrainian eLearning System”, 2007-2008, EU grant “Development of civil society”, 2006-2007 and others. SSU has 4 Institutes and 5 colleges in its structure. Besides, there are well-developed contacts with HEIs in each region of Ukraine.
Role in the project.
SSU will take active part in the next activities of the project:
- analysis of the existing University Management systems and special needs of the university information management.
- establishment of the Coordination Council.
- organization of the Conference dedicated to discussion and approval of the concept of university information
- selection staff for training on university management in EU .
- organization of the intensive language courses for the selected staff .
- organization of a seminar-presentation for knowledge exchange .
- development and publication of the Report on ways towards for organization of the IT-centers.
- provision of the IT-centers with the necessary equipment .
- development of a distributed university management information system.
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