СНПЧ А7 Омск, обзоры принтеров и МФУ

Before starting direct project activities, it is necessary to study the situation deeper and to organise managerial structure of the project. For this reasons establishment of a Coordination Council, unified all the project participants, is planned. Under supervision of the Council, collection of important data will be realized, and a special meeting to discuss the results of researches on the state of university management in NIS partner countries will be organized.

1.1. Collection of a library on EU experience of UIM

Collection of a library on EU experience of university information management.


1.2. Analysis of existing University management systems

Analysis of existing University management systems in the partner countries, propositions for their optimization, elaboration of the model of the recommended university management system, preparation of a requirement specification for the corresponding software. Analysis of information flows at the PC universities.


1.3. Academic Council

Academic Council will consist of representatives from each of the consortium member. Main task of the Academic Council will be elaboration of the Strategic Plan for improvement of the University Information Management System.

1.4. Conferences on university information management

Meeting of Academic Council administrative bodies in Dnipropetrovsk. Discussion of the results of researches on the state of university management in NIS partner countries and EU universities, development and affirmation of a Strategic plan.



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