СНПЧ А7 Омск, обзоры принтеров и МФУ

Special Centers (for teaching and for innovation activity) will be established at each partner country university. Plans of development and statutes of the Centres will be elaborated. The Centers will be equipped and their staff will be retrained at the EU universities.

4.1. Business Plans of the Centers

Development and publishing Business plans of the Centres which consist of the main items of the developed Strategic Plan on ways towards for improvement of the University Information Management System.


4.2. Web-sites of the IT Centers

Development and promotion of web-sites of the IT-Centers. Web-sites will be designed just from the start of the project. The first version will include initial information about the IT-Centers and plans of their development. Then the web-sites will be maintained beyond the lifetime of the project by collection of all new information about the IT-Centers and plans of their development.


4.3. Retrained IT centers staff in EU

Administrative staff of each IT-center will be selected for future training on university information management at the EU universities. The selected staff will be retrained at the EU universities, participate in courses of modern information management technologies.

4.4. Equipment for the IT-centers’ offices

All the necessary equipment will be selected and purchased to organize the work places for the staff of IT- Centers at all partner countries universities.

4.5. Business process reorganization

Reorganization of business processes of IT- Centers, changing their staff structure, taking into account the information technology to be used in the future.

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