The Belarusian State University is the largest and most comprehensive of higher educational institutions in Belarus with 18 faculties and 150 departments, along with research institutes and national science centers. BSU is the leading educational establishment in the sphere of development of multilevel education of different categories of grown-ups, including disabled people. Such an activity is conducted with dense integration of faculties, institutes and other bodies of the university. The BSU is an active partner in international education and research networks.


  Role in the project.


 BSU will take active part in analysis if the existing University Management systems and special needs of the university information management (WP1). BSU will be involved in establishment of the Coordination Council and participate in the Conference dedicated to discussion and approval of the concept of university information management (WP1,WP9). The university will organize intensive language courses for the selected for training on university management staff and a seminar-presentation for knowledge exchange within the retrained group (WP2). BSU will be involved as well in:

 - development and publication of the Report on ways towards for organization of the IT-centers.

 - development and distribution web-sites of the IT-centers (WP4).

 - provision of the IT-centers with the necessary equipment WP4).

 - development of a distributed university management information system (WP3).

 - information campaign in mass-media (WP6)

 - coordination meetings (WP9)


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