Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University is a public higher education institution, founded in 1944. Its academic staff includes 428 professors, and 1286 academic teachers with doctor and master degrees. It is the largest university in Eastern Poland with numerous collaborative contacts with higher education institutions in EU neighboring countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia). It has dozens of working agreements with universities from former USSR. University participates in a number of international educational and research programs. At the moment it is involved in such programs as Tempus (1 project), EU Framework Programme (2), LLP/Erasmus, Gruntvig and Polish-American Fulbright programme. The university is high skilled in project management and can be a good team leader. The main divisions, involved in the project, are Office of Foreign Relations, Institute of Informatics, Center of Distant Education. These units are participating in the ongoing Tempus project.
Role in the project.
UMCS will be responsible for organization and participation of the conferences on University Information Management. Representatives of UMCS will take active part in selection of PC universities' staff for retraining and organization of retraining courses for selected participants. UMCS will coordinate the courses at the PC universities and
participate in coordination meetings (WP9). UMCS's experience is helpful in establishing internal monitoring and evaluation structures. UMCS has Master Program in Informatics with the special courses on university ORACLE based management systems. Such system used by university, students participate in further development of system. This experience will be transferred to the partner countries' universities.
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