Founded in 1661, Ivan Franko National University of L’viv is one of the oldest and most respected universities in Eastern Europe. It is annually included into the 5 Top Ukrainian University Ranking. Meeting the requirements arising in the recent years new faculties and departments have been set up. A pedagogical and scientific work is being carried out at 100 departments. There are over one hundred laboratories and working units here so as to provide over 30000 students with the qualified service. On behalf of the University, Applied Mathematics and Informatics Department and Economics Department might be involved in the work on the potential project. Besides, there is a constant cooperation established between the University and local authorities and business communities.


Role in the project.


The university will take part in the next activities of the project:


- analysis of the existing University Management systems and special needs of the university information management.


- establishment of the Coordination Council (WP1, WP9).


- organization of the Conference dedicated to discussion and approval of the concept of university information


management (WP1).


- selection staff for training on university management in EU (WP2).


- organization of the intensive language courses for the selected staff (WP2).


- organization of a seminar-presentation for knowledge exchange (WP2).


- development and publication of the Report on ways towards for organization of the IT-centers (WP4).


- provision of the IT-centers with the necessary equipment (WP4).


- development of a distributed university management information system (WP5).


- semi-annual coordination meetings (WP9)


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