Methodological bases of creation, introduction and development of the integrated information system of management of university (ua)

Methodological bases of creation, introduction and development of the integrated information system of management of university (rus)

Project introduction. Proceedings of the kick-off meeting. Brochure 1 / under the editorship of S.V.Chernyshenko, V. O. Lyubchak, K. I. Kyrychenko

Analysis of the state of university management information systems in project partner countries. Brochure 2 / under the editorship of S. V. Chernyshenko, V. O. Lyubchak, K. I. Kyrychenko

Presentation of the project results. / under the editorship of С.В. Chernyshenko, A. G. Piven

Materials of experts ’feedback on methodological bases of design, implementation and development of the integrated information university management system. Project quality assurance / under the editorship of S. V. Chernyshenko, V. O. Lyubchak, K. I. Kyrychenko

Survey of students in the framework of the project

Training course "Methodological foundations of integrated information management systems of the university. Edited by Cand. Phys.-Math. Sciences, Assoc. Yu. I. Vorotnitsky, assistant. SD Prikhodchenko.

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