European partners:

  • Each EU partner university to present its own IS. (Up to the 01.08.2013)
  • To provide all possible guidelines, materials. (Up to the 01.08.2013)
  • Take part in online meetings (webinars) each month to discuss the principles, architecture, functionality, design, technology specific requirements and structure of IISUM. (For the whole lifetime of the project)

NIS university partners:

  • Prepare the report to describe the structure of the Concept for generic requirements for integrated information systems of university management (IISUM), methodologies for the functional and informational models description. Further detailed elaboration and development of the concept of IISUM design in accordance with the typical requirements description. (Up to the 01.11.2013)
      • Develop standard requirements for the IISUM in accordance with the approved structure of the Concept. (Up to the 01.09.2013)
      • Develop description of terms and concepts. (Up to the 01.09.2013)
  • Develop a concept of the Integrated university management system as a part of the Concept. (Up to the 30.09.2013)
      • Develop a text description of the functionality of the modules and roles of their users (in Russian and English, volume 0.5-1 page of the text), to present their views on the structure of the functional modules and national models. (Up to the 01.09.2013)
      • Prepare reports containing the description of existing information systems at home institution (with its critical analysis, to show advantages and disadvantages of these systems as well as your own suggestions of how to avoid existing gaps). (Up to the 15.08.2013)
      • Highlight 5-6 main modules. Formation of the working group and for each module create a working group of representatives from different countries. ill implement the pilot materials in their countries. (Up to the 15.08.2013)
      • Specification of the requirements to specific functions, definition of the structure of the input and output data, processing algorithms. (Up to the 01.10.2013)
      • Development of the database structure. (Up to the 01.11.2013)
      • Development of the requirements for interfaces interaction of the individual modules. (Up to the 01.10.2013)
  • Publication of the report on a critical analysis of university partners’ experience in IISUM development, proposed concepts of IISUM development. Responsible body - Sumy State University (Ukraine). (Up to the 15.07.2013)
  • Conduct online meetings (webinars) each month to discuss the principles, architecture, functionality, design, technology specific requirements and structure of IISUM. Responsible body - Sumy State University (Ukraine). (For the whole lifetime of the project)
  • Prepare a summary report on the project’s results of the universities. Responsible bodies – PC coordinators. (Up to the 30.06.2013)
  • Support the project’s website, forum, moderation of it. Responsible body - National Mining University (Ukraine). (For the whole lifetime of the project and further)

NIS Ministries:

  • Propose a layout for the standard of universities’ ERP systems. Preparation of proposals and presentations of typical requirements for IISUM. (Up to the 01.12.2013)
  • Take part in online meetings (webinars) each month to discuss the principles, architecture, functionality, design, technology specific requirements and structure of IISUM. (For the whole lifetime of the project)

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